Yeah so, don't let a girl with a compulsive personality near a MAC counter or Lush shop, it only leads to her being very naughty. Case in point with today's "I can't afford this, but I'm buying it anyway" haul.
So in MAC I was lucky enough to get the last Full of Fuchsia eyeliner which was stashed away in a drawer along with a Violet Trance eyeshadow and a Obviously Orange eyeliner. So what do I do, seeing this as probably my last chance to get my addictive little hands on these items I uttered the words "I'll have those" along with the Fix + and Fabulush Cream Colour Base that upon looking at I could not resist, especially after hearing that it would "look lovely on my skin tone" I'm an easy sell at the best of times. I think I need to go into rehab for this - there would probably be such a thing in Hollywood perhaps. But here in Blighty I very much doubt it.
Then there was Lush, I ended yo getting the biggest sized bottle of Snow Fairy, I've recently fallen in love with it's candy scent and knowing it's only going to be around for the festive season panicked and got myself another bottle, of course while in there, the evil eye of shoppers lust crept up on me once more so I ended up getting Curly Wurly shampoo and Retread conditioner as well.
When I got home the shoppers remorse kicked in, but depotting a couple MAC shadows (Deep Truth and today's Violet Trance) gave me something else to focus on.
I must say however, I've used my Benefit Coralista a couple of times now and so far I'm not entirely sure what all the fuss is about with it, I'm a bit underwhelmed with it to be honest, perhaps it just isn't suitable for my skin tone, but it just seems a bit blah when I put it on. Maybe there is a technique to its application which will have me falling in love with it? If so please do let me know as I want to go from blah to wow! quite badly.
So yeah, as I now know my picture taking skills are not that great just yet, may have something to do with the camera I'm using, either way. I have opted to delight you with some more professional looking photos of the items bought today. Just on the off chance someone may want to have a gander.
Full of Fuchsia & Obviously Orange
Violet Trance
Fix + (clearly)
I'm really excited to try out the new Lush hair products. I'm hoping to be able to rave about them as much as I do King of the Mods.
Anyway that's it for now. I'm going to do a foundation routine video for the old Youtube channel in the very near future.
Take care x
Quick Find haul, lush, mac